mtajmr (CC0), Pixabay

Walking dogs can be an enjoyable and satisfying job when done expertly. A dog walking company located in Saratoga Springs, upstate of New York, had found themselves a way to make it even more fun to them and their dog clients, and that is, they took pack photographs every day.

Tim Pink, together with his assistant Erin Prevost walked with fifty dogs around per week. They do not need a specific breed to join their pack, but the walking troop must divide by its size. This group is part of the Saratoga Dog Walkers’ Mid Day Pack Program.

Pink will meet a dog first and will form a relationship with the dog before letting it join the pack. He must observe how reactive the pup is with the other dogs and find out how much obedience training is needed. Pink amazingly remembered all the dog’s name and their personality quirks.

They walk the pups by a minimum of thirty minutes long and averages at about forty-five minutes. The dogs get dropped off back at home afterward, cleaned of rain and dirt. Even on rainy days, they always continue their walks, but if conditions are adverse on each dog, they still get a potty visit.

These pack walks are always well documented on their Instagram page. They updated it with fresh content, and still find suitable locations and reasons for a photoshoot. Looking at pictures of lovely dogs can be a bit dull, but their account is different among the other dog pages somehow.

Pink does this since 2011, and I am sure that there will be no shortage of pack pictures to look on their Instagram account. Looking from the photos, it looks like the Pack Walk program improves the obedience of dogs. Not even one of them is a blur!

Pink and his assistant Prevost love their jobs. The dog’s parents seem satisfied at the services of Saratoga Dog Walkers! Pink’s company had a 5-star rating on Facebook. Even though I don’t have a dog at their care, I would still rate them a perfect score just for these incredible pictures.

Photos from Instagram via Saratoga Dog Walkers.


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